2. Fighting ninja's on a daily basis
3. The one who stole the frigg'n cookie from the cookie jar.
4. wondering what flavor milkshake "brings all the boys to the yard"
5. smarter then the average bear
6. riding ponies outside Kaufland. . .I need change!!
7. getting a grip on reality..and choking it to death
8. Vini, Vedi, Velcro... I came I saw I stuck around...or not.
9. out making some changes in my life...leave a message and I'll get back to you... if I don't return your message your one of the changes!
10. back...by popular demand!
11. clapping my hands and stomping my feet because I am happy and I know it!
12. a Jedi. Obviously.
13. what Willis was talking about...
14. totally gonna take over the world one day.
15. wondering how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could Chuck Norris
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