Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And, I quote:

"Cand minti, cand ii spui unei femei ca o iubesti, e de crezut ca minti, dar ceva, ceva tot te-a impins sa-i spui chestia asta, de aceea, este adevarat"
(Raymond Radiguet)

This message will self-destruct in: 5...

Nimeni nu te avertizeaza ca dragostea are termen de valabilitate. Complotul dragostei se bazeaza pe un seret bine pastrat. Esti lasat sa crezi ca dragostea e o chestie pe viata, cand, de fapt - din punct de vedere chimic - dispare dupa o perioada de timp. Am citit intr-o revista pentru femei ca dragostea este o emisie, de scurta durata, de dopamina, noradrenalina, prolactina, luliberina si ocitocina. O mica molecula, feniletilamina (FEA), declanseaza senzatii de veselie, de exaltare, de euforie. Cand te indragostesti la prima vedere inseamna ca neuronii din sistemul limbic iti sunt saturati cu FEA. Tandretea nu inseamna altceva decat endorfine (couples opium).
Statisticile, biochimia, propriul meu caz: toate arata ca durata dragostei ramane mereu aceeasi.
Tulburatoare coincidenta. Dupa mintea mea, asta confirma existenta celor trei etape pe care le-au evidentiat atat de des Stendhal, Barthes si Barbara Cartland: Pasiune - Tandrete - Plictiseala.
Cine esti tu, sa cutezi in a te masura cu niste glande si cu niste neurotransmitatori care te lasa balta, inevitabil? Daca te pui cu stiintele naturii si cu demorafia, ti-ai asigurat infrangerea chiar din start.
Friends or lovers, moving in is risky business. Anytime the rules change you don't know how they'll change you. We take the risk because the payoff can be so great, but the truth is we never truly know who we're living with.


Credeti-ma: am incercat tot ce se putea ca sa nu ma indragostesc. Puneti-va in locul meu: cine s-a fript cu ciorba sufla si-n iaurt. Dar nu ma puteam opri sa nu ma gandesc la ...(insert name here)... . In unele momente il uram, il detestam cu adevarat, il consideram un caraghios, imbracat ca naiba, las, vulgar, un lungan impiedicat, un fals romantic ce voia sa-si pastreze viata aia a lui, nesarata si asezata, un jalnic si egoist, antipatic, tont, cu vocea aia, a lui, care iti zgarie timpanele si cu gusturile lui de fashion victim. Apoi, in clipa urmatoare ma uitam la poza lui ori aparea chiar el si imi zambea, iar eu cadeam in admiratie...
Iata un test foarte simplu, ca sa aflati daca sunteti cu adevarat indragostiti: daca, dupa patru-cinci ore petrecute fara iubit/iubita, acesta/aceasta incepe sa va lipseasca, atunci nu sunteti indragostiti; daca erati, zece minute de despartire ar fi fost de ajuns sa va faca viata imposibil de suportat.


Nu o sa ma satur in veci: cand imi place, vreau sa ma indragostesc; cand ma indragostesc, vreau sa sarut; cand sarut, vreau sa ma...(insert text here)...; cand ma...(insert text here)...vreau sa traim impreuna intr-un apartament mobilat; cand traim impreuna intr-un apartament mobilat, intalnesc o alta fiinta care imi place.
In dragoste exista o singura intrebare: cand incep minciunile? Esti la fel de fericit sa te intorci acasa pentru a regasi aceeasi persoana care te asteapta? Cand ii zici "te iubesc", crezi intotdeauna chestia asta? Va veni - in mod fatal - un moment in care te vei cazni sa o faci. In care "te-iubescurile" tale nu vor mai avea acelasi gust.
Nu stiu daca ati citit Despartirea de Dan Franck. Prima scena este emotionanta: in timpul unei reprezentatii de teatru, barbatul isi da seama ca sotia nu-l mai iubeste, pentru ca isi trage mana din a lui. El incearca sa i-o apuce din nou, insa ea o trage iar. Eu imi spuneam: ce scarba! De ce atata cruzime? Totusi, nu e marea cu sarea sa-ti lasi mana in mana lu' barbata-tu, ce dracu'?
Pana in ziua in care mi s-a intamplat acelasi lucru.
Am inceput sa resping mereu mana lui. El ma lua cu dragalasenie de mana, sau de brati ori isi lasa mana pe coapsa mea, cand ne uitam la televizor, iar eu ce vedeam? O mana moale, albicioasa, de consistenta unui cauciuc. Ma infioram de dezgust. Parca ar fi pus pe mine o caracatita. Ma simteam vinovata: cum Doamne iarta-ma, ajunsesem pana aici? Ma transformasem in scarba aia din cartea lui Dan Franck. El insista sa-si amestece degetele cu ale mele. Eu ma sileam, fara succes, sa-mi stapanesc o strambatura. Ma ridicam cu o saritura, chipurile sa ma duc la toaleta, dar in realitate numai ca sa fug de aceasta mana. Apoi ma intorceam, cuprinsa de remuscari, si priveam mana pe care o iubisem. Mana lui. Mana lui pentru care, cu ani in urma, mi-as fi dat viata s-o pot tine asa. Si nu simteam decat ura fata de mine, rusine fata de el, indiferenta, dorinta de a bazai. Si strangeam la piept aceasta caracatita moale, apoi ii dadeam o sarutare amestecata cu tristete si ciuda.
Dragostea ia sfarsit atunci cand nu te mai poti intoarce inapoi.
Asa iti dai seama: v-ati despartit fara ca macar sa observati.

Reteta pentru ameliorarea situatiei

Sa repetati des aceste 3 fraze:


Nu radeti, pare o tampenie, dar reteta asta poate ca mi-a salvat viata atunci cand ajunsesem la fund. Incercati-o cand o fi sa faceti urmatoare depresie nervoasa. V-o recomand.
Iata si o lista de cantece triste, bune de ascultat la vremea cand o iei din nou pe sus, pe panta: April come she will,  al lui Simon si Garfunkel (de 20 de ori), Trouble,  al lui Cat Stevens (de 10 ori), Something in the way she moves, al lui James Taylor, Et si tu n'existais pas, al lui Joe Dassin (de 5 ori), Sixty years on urmat de Border Song al lui Elton John (de 40 de ori), Everybody Hurts al lui REM (de 5 ori), Quelques mots d'amour al lui Michel Berger (de 40 de ori, dar nu va fuduliti prea tare cu treaba asta), Memory Motel al lui Rolling Stones (de 8 ori si jumatate), Living without you al lui Randy Newman (de 100 de ori), Caroline No al lui Beach Boys (de 600 de ori), Sonata Kreutzer al lui Ludwig van Bethoven (de 6 000 de ori).
Interesant concept pentru o compilatie!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Do you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that's what love is like. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going
Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever... And you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you.
If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever?
It's amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Taking over the toothbrush at a time!

Este o eroare sa doresti o viata imobila.
Vrei ca timpul sa se opreasca in loc, ca dragostea sa fie eterna, ca nimic sa nu moara niciodata, ci sa o duca, trai neneaca, intr-o perpetua copilarie plina de rasfat. Construiesti ziduri de aparare si tocmai aceste ziduri iti devin, intr-o zi, inchisoare.  Gata.Nu-mi mai construiesc ziduri.
O sa iau fiecare zi ca pe un dar. Imi dau seama ca poti duce dorul prezentului.
Uneori, traiesc momente atat de minunate, incat imi spun: "Ia uite! Mai tarziu voi regreta momentul acesta; trebuie sa nu uit niciodata clipa asta, ca sa ma pot gandi la ea, din nou atunci cand toate vor merge prost".
Descopar ca, pentru a ramane indragostit, e nevoie ca in fiecare din noi sa existe o particica de insesizabil. Trebuie sa refuzi platitudinea, ceea ce nu inseamna sa nascocesti tresariri artificiale si cretine, ci sa stii sa fii uimit in fata miracolului fiecarei zile. Sa fii generos si simplu.
Esti indragostit in ziua in care pui pasta de dinti pe o alta periuta decat a ta.


Trebuie sa te hotarasti: ori traiesti cu cineva ori il doresti. Nu poti dori ceea ce ai, e impotriva naturii.
Toate grijile mi se trag de la incapacitatea mea de a renunta la o noutate, de la o nevoie bolnavicioasa de a ceda in fata atractiei miilor de posibilitati incredibile pe care ti le rezerva viitorul. E ceva de speriat cat de mult ma excita ceea ce nu cunosc, in comparatie cu ceea ce imi este deja cunoscut.
Ce, e anormal? Voi nu preferati sa cititi o carte pe care n-ati citit-o niciodata? Sa vedeti o piesa de teatru pe care n-o stiti pe dinafara? Sa alegeti orice presedinte in locul celui care era inainte?
Toata problema dragostei mi se pare a fi aceasta: pentru a fi fericit ai nevoie de siguranta, in timp ce, pentru a fi indragostit, ai nevoie de nesiguranta. Fericirea se bazeaza pe incredere, pe cand dragostea cere indoiala si neliniste. Pe scurt, casatoria a fost - in mare - creata sa te faca fericit, nu ca sa ramai indragostit. Si a te indragosti nu este cea mai buna cale de a-ti gasi fericirea; daca lucrurile ar fi stat asa, s-ar fi aflat. Nu stiu daca e destul de clar, dar stiu eu ce spun: mariajul amesteca niste chestii care nu merg bine impreuna.

Efficiency measured!

A seduce o fata inseamna mai ales a reduce distantele. Trebuie sa reusesti sa castigi teren, centimetru cu centimetru, fara ca sa se bage de seama prea mult. Daca vezi o fata care-ti place, trebuie sa te apropii de ea (la 2 metrii). Daca iti place si la distanta asta, incepi sa vorbesti cu ea (la 1 metru). Daca zambeste cand ii insiri balivernele tale, o inviti sa bea ceva (la 50 de centimetrii). Apoi te asezi langa ea (la 30 de centimetrii). Cum incep sa-i straluceasca ochii, trebuie sa-i aranjezi cu grija o suvita dupa ureche (la 15 centimetrii). Daca te lasa sa-i aranjezi parul, vorbeste-i putin mai de aproape ( la 8 centimetrii). Daca respira mai puternic, lipeste-ti buzele de ale ei (la 0 centimetrii). Scopul acestei strategii este, evident, sa obtii o distanta negativa prin patrunderea unui corp strain in interiorul acestei persoane (la aproximativ minus 12 centimetrii, conform mediei nationale).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just an Ordinary Night...

We don't actually do things just for the sake of doing them. We first think of doing them...because we have to.

Q: What is the difference between 'thinking' and 'living' a Moment?

A: When thinking 'A Moment' you're not going to remember how it felt. You're going to remember the thought of the Moment. You'll be looking at the Moment while living the Moment. 

Nu stiu...poate fi vreo manevra!

It's almost like you can predict the uncertainty of it! You can't build a house out of leaves. 

I had a dream the other day


You're a fast thinker!

Ps. That night came to a slow demise once we realized that the ingestion of too much bread and Philly Cream Cheese aren't that grand of a combo in large doses. 
Pps. This cartoon has managed to fully grasp the true essence of our friendship.
Ma gandesc foarte serios sa te mai vad odata inainte sa plec. Ma gandesc si mai foarte serios sa ma vad cu tine the night before I leave. Acum, I'm not exactly sure if it would be the right thing for me to do. Saying goodbye properly...
I'm at a loss for thought. Not a first, now that I think about it.
A constant flood of massively idiotic thoughts should be considered a loss for thought right? A complete and utter rampage of what I'd like to call common sense. The collapse of all that is logical. A major shift in all coherent brain activity known to man. A blistering upheaval of Neanderthalian tendencies. Proper conduct Vs Brain tumor: Brain tumor wins!
I've erased so many memories from my mind like the pages in a book I wrote untold.
I can't turn back now.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Charlie Boy

Charles Lindbergh, pionierul American al zborului, a devenit eroul unei intregi natiuni dupa ce a strabatut in 1927 Atlanticul intr-un avion minuscul.
Atunci, aceasta aventura a fost o fapta admirata in lumea intreaga. Ceea ce merita pana in ziua de azi atentie este hotararea cu care a depasit Lindbergh toate rezistentele pentru a putea efectua acest zbor temerar.
Tatal lui era deputat de Minnesota in Congress. Un barbat destul de incapatanat. Si-a crescut fiul in ideea de a se baza mai mult pe sine decat pe altii. Obisnuia sa spuna: "Un baiat este un baiat. Doi baieti sunt o jumatate de baiat. Trei baieti nu mai sunt absolut nici un baiat."
Nu-i de mirare ca in viata micutului Charles insusiri precum incadrarea, adaptarea si dependenta nu jucau nici un rol. Pe el il fascina zborul, ceea ce era privit pe atunci inca drept o aventura lipsita de responsabilitate. Sa sada singur undeva sus intr-un aparat de zbor era exact pe gustul lui. "Gustul lui" fapt a devenit marea lui pasiune, continutul vietii lui, suprema implinire pentru el.
"Acolo sus", spunea, "acolo savurez sentimentul de a trai la un nivel omenesc mai inalt decat scepticii de jos de pe pamant, care ma considera un nebun pentru ca imi asum acest risc.

Ceilalti n-aveau decat sa-l considere nebun, sa rada de el, el tot era convins ca: "Mai bine traiesc un deceniu asa cum imi face cea mai mare placere. Daca ma ia apoi Dracu', fiecare an in parte mi-a fost mai pretios decat o viata lunga in mediocritate."

A ajuns oricum la 70 de ani.
Ce ar fi ramas din sentimentul de fericire, din satisfactia la implinirea celei mai mari dorinte a lui, daca acest Charles Lindberg ar fi plecat urechea la oameni care se abtin de la implinirea nazuintelor lor si de la savurarea vietii lor pana la capat?
Si totul pentru ca isi spun mereu "Ce vor zice ceilalti?" sau "Doar sunt un nimic, nu o sa pot face niciodata acest lucru!"

And you are......?

Here I am again, at your disposal. Praise or judge at will. Were you here all along? How long have you been standing here for? Do we know each other? Now that I think about it, I do remember you. My apologies. It's gradually coming back to me. We met a few years back. Or it might've just been yesterday. For all I know, it could be that I've known you my entire life. I acknowledge you now. You're a part of my life.
A constant, as some people like to call it. We met on a memorable day in both our lives. We cracked a few jokes, found common ground, liked each other almost immediately. Phone calls were made to and fro. At times one-sided of course (because I'm a hesitant believer in the power of phone calls). I made you aware of this in due time. Our friendship grew, as we did. Soon enough, you became a constant in my thoughts, my life. On some occasions we would meet and I became your adviser. I would listen to your troubles and tried my best to come up with viable solutions to problems at hand. Often victorious, rarely unsuccessful. On other occasions I'd play the part of your very own personal clown. I'd always love to see you laugh, your smile would brighten up my day. Knowing that I play a part in making you happy would fill my heart with sheer joy.
You grew stronger in time, more beautiful in so many ways. I saw your eyes shimmer with delight. I saw your nose scrunch up at the thought of something sower. I saw you drool over anything you might find delicious. I saw you go cross-eyed when you'd be trying to figure out something you just couldn't wrap your head around. I saw you phase out of focus as you'd start daydreaming. I saw your forehead wrinkle when you simply didn't know what to do. I saw your nostrils flare when you became angry or revolted. I saw your jawbone clench as you'd try to concentrate or hold back. I won't even mention the many times you'd roll your eyes when you'd hear something inconvenient.
Oh, and I almost forgot. I remember your first tear drop. I remember your broken heart. I remember your broken spirit. I remember being on all fours for you, working together to try and put the pieces back together, helping them fit and function once again (at optimum speed of course). I'm not exactly sure, but you used to make a habit out of pressing the repeat button on this one. We'd go through this process over and over again. You'd come out better looking each time we saw you through.
All in all, this has been a fun filled friendship. I don't know how it all could've slipped out of my mind. Something must've happened. Maybe you could help me out a little. Let's try and piece this puzzle.
Could it be that you took your time to get to know me? (I'm perfectly aware that I'm not the easiest person to deal with but...)
Can you say that you gave it your best? (I hope so, for my sake at least)
It would be a shame if you took me for granted. I'll give you a little time to digest it all, I might've put you on the spot just then. Personally, I'm secretly hoping you know my in's and out's by now, as I know your nooks and crannies. I'm putting all my money on ONE of you.
Now, How bout them apples??

Break Face


How do I put this lightly? SNAP OUT OF IT PEOPLE!!
Let it all hang out. Step out of your comfort zones.
I've had it up to HERE.
Enough is enough. Really. Let it happen already. If not, let it go. All this preaching to the choir is a little overrated don't you think?

I'm quite gifted, I must admit, having my fair share of people who want to put their two cents in. But you know what? I'm not so sure I remember asking anybody for any guidance. Advice maybe. Never guidance. But here you are, trying to tell me that I'm ignorant. Really? How so? Because....what, exactly?

So you saw that I'm a little careless and all of a sudden that became synonymous with ignorant? Really now?
Or maybe, just maybe, you've noticed that I can smile when I'm down? That I can crack a joke every now and then (when I shouldn't)? Right? Is that considered wrong according to your "How the World Works Scale"?
Ooh, that's right...I forgot...YOU CAN'T! So just because you can't, automatically means that I should right?? That's a little too convenient don't you think?
No, darlin', let me put it to you this way: While you're much too busy trying to break me, I take a step back and watch every inch of you. That's right. I take in all of your bullshit and simply watch you.
Wanna know why? I'll tell you why! While you're too busy trying to tell me how I should live my life, I get to figure out a way to have my cake and eat it too. Now...Ain't that some shit! Now here's a tissue to wipe your mouth after you pick your jaw up right off the floor.
Here you are telling me I should stop dreaming. Who do you think you are? Do I tell you to stop breathing? You somehow presume to know what my life is about, what I'm about. A word to the wise (and to you dear) don't you ever presume to understand what God has in store for me.
Don't treat my name like a fool. I do nothing BUT encourage every ounce of you. No matter how unrealistic, I'm right there pushing you through. So, answer me this: Where do you stand? You are standing, right? Where exactly are you standing?Maybe I'm asking all the wrong questions. Let me have another go at it.
When are you standing? It seems that you're only standing when I'm down. I give you my word.
I'm about to show you. Relax your mind, have no fear. You'll notice a grain of truth in what I'm putting out here. I will waste no time in changing you or your point of view. Time will tell. But before time gets to do all that, I must admit I get a kick out of seeing your jaw drop and face change each and every time. It's who I am and it's what I'll be and there is nothing that you can ever say or do that can change that.
What you can do however is:
1. Befriend me unconditionally, as I befriend you unconditionally.
2. Open your heart to me unconditionally, as I open my heart unconditionally to you.
3. Listen to me, hearing won't suffice.

We should be able to learn from each other, not break one another. Give it a go. You just might be amazed at what you may find.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kiddie Talk

They start off by giving you their definition of LOVE

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore.
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love."
- Rebecca - age 8
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.
You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."
- Billy - age 4
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."
- Karl - age 5
"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs."
- Chrissy - age 6
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
- Terri - age 4
"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."
- Danny - age 7
"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss"
- Emily - age 8
"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."
- Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)
"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate."
- Nikka - age 6

(we need a few million more Nikkas on this planet)
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."
- Noelle - age 7
"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well."
- Tommy - age 6
"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore."
- Cindy - age 8
"My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night."
- Clare - age 6
"Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken."
- Elaine-age 5
"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford."
- Chris - age 7
"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."
- Mary Ann - age 4
"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."
- Lauren - age 4
"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (what an image)
- Karen - age 7
"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross."
- Mark - age 6
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." 
- Jessica - age 8

And then they say the funniest of things...

Jack was watching his Mom breast feeding his new baby sister. After a while he asked: "Mom why have you got two? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?"

Melanie asked her Granny how old she was. Granny replied she was so old she didn't remember any more. Said Melanie, "If you don't remember you must look in the back of your panties. Mine say five to six."

Steven hugged and kissed his Mom goodnight. "I love you so much, that when you die I'm going to bury you outside my bedroom window."

Brittany had an earache and wanted a painkiller. She tried in vain to take the lid off the bottle. Seeing her frustration, her Mom explained it was a childproof cap and she'd have to open it for her. Eyes wide with wonder, the little girl asked: "How does it know it's me?"

Susan was drinking juice when she got the hiccups. "Please don't give me this juice again," she said, "It makes my teeth cough."

Danni stepped onto the bathroom scale and asked: "How much do I cost?"

Tammy was with her mother when they met an elderly, rather wrinkled woman her Mom knew. Tammy looked at her for a while and then asked, "Why doesn't your skin fit your face?"

Mark was engrossed in a young couple who were hugging and kissing in a restaurant. Without taking his eyes off them, he asked his dad: "Why is he whispering in her mouth?"

Clinton was in his bedroom looking worried. When his Mom asked what was troubling him, he replied, "I don't know what'll happen with this bed when I get married. How will my wife fit in?"

James was listening to a Bible story. His dad read: "The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city but his wife looked back and was turned to salt." Concerned, James asked: "What happened to the flea?"

But at the end of the day, they put cherries on top of every Strawberry Shortcake (cream on top)!

 I ate some cake off my rug at home - Ronan 
My voice is not my real voice. I ate it all gone! - Ronan 

Karl : Miss, I hit Ronan while you weren't looking.
Me: Did it hurt him?
Karl: Water came out of one of his eyes! 

Me: Everyone line up! 
Luca: Ce vrei sa spui cu asta? 

Ronan - Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water, Jack fell down and cracked his head open!
Ronan: We have a big giant house.
Me: What's your favorite part of the house?
Ronan: My sister.

Ronan: Wanna hear the good part? God can turn into a pointy thing good enough to, pants, eyebrows, gloves, sticks or sea.

Ronan: Junk is made out of chocolate and chocolate is junk.

Ronan: Apples give you big energy and my brother can do flips.

Mirna: I have B.B.D. dat and B.B.D. dat I am! (I have the Snow White and Sleeping Beauty DVD's at home)
Ronan: Haha, my dog just crashed into your private dog just bit your privates!

Me: I can't do it!! I have to hold Karl!Ronan: You can't have it forever!!

Me: Ronan, why are you tearing your pocket?

Ronan: This hot thing burned my pants and a hole came out!!

Ronan: Miss, you forgot to put a check on my white moose! (it was a ram)

Ronan: When you bite someone's nose off it's called 'Biting someone's nose off'.

Ronan: Paper fish can't go poopoo...hihihihihi...SPLAT (slapping his paper fish)

Ronan: Jerkweed!!
Me: What's a jerkweed?
Ronan: A girlfriend that is a jerk!

Ronan: It's garbage proof! My mom told me!

Me: Ronan, maybe you can wait 5 minutes.
Ronan: Or maybe we can wait 5 seconds-minutes, that's very long!

Ronan: Fog, fog, fog fog fog, fooooog fog brain told me the song of's the fog song!

Ronan: My girlfriend bees mean to me!

Ronan: He said it in Hussam-English! I have a baseball ball and a football ball. I'm not a good pitcher but I'm a good thrower!

Ronan: This is a nail of mine! Here! Keep it! Don't give it to strangers!

Andrei: You know dat at level 1, if you get the banana and give it to the monkey, the monkey gives you a key to unlock the train.
Me: And where does the train take you?
Andrei: To MEXICO!
Andrei: At my old school a dragon came and gave me a mail.

Ronan: Miiiiissssss, Victor broke my spine, right here!! (pointing to his ribs)

Me: Who can tell me what they want for Christmas?

Haytham: Eu vreu Mos Craciun cu sabie.
Victor: Eu o sa imi cumpar o sabie din diamante.
Magida. Sa imi aduca mosul o printesa cu printul si o casa mare cu diamantele mici.
Iuser: Un cap care sa vorbeasca
Luca: Un tanc de lupta cu oasele
Mirna: Eu adus cu capul jos si ochii roz; Eu am acasa D.D.B (her D.D.B.  is actually a D.V.D)
Adonis: Eu vreau in camera mamei mele.
Hussam: Eu am sabie acasa si mai vreau una.
Magida: Eu am un Mos super frumos.

Adonis: Cred ca o sa facem un tren de iubire...
Victor: Sau poate tu esti doar iubire de viata

Victor: Miss, stiai ca toata tara a fost turbulata ieri?
Sarah: Nu a fost nici o turbulata, poate a fost doar un cutremur.
Victor: Ba da, a fost tara turbulata de Barbari!

Magida: Daca mananci un mar otravit, mori.
Adonis: Daca mananci orice e din classroom, mori.

Adonis: Miss, ne jucam de-a lupta incet, ma prefaceam ca sunt papagal si mi-am lovit castana (tapping his head)

Victor: Miss, am casca, ghete ANTIDOT! (while banging his knees together)

Luca: Sa stii ca nu e datoria mea sa vin la gradi!

Victor: Ador discutarea!

Victor: sunt extraterestru cu coarneeeeee!

Victor: Am obosit tun, m-am plictisit tun, si mai mi-e si foame tun!

Sarah: Dezinfectantul meu este de ardei iute!

Luca: Daca erai mica nu stiai asa de multe si nu ajungeai pana acolo sus!

Adonis: Cereale multe pentru energie la burta buna!

Luca: Eu nu ma fac presedinte! Eu ma fac muncitor cu escavatorul!

Adonis: Uite...fata asta care joaca fotbal ma face fericit. (Fata din poza juca volley)

Adonis: Nimeni nu se razbuna in Romania, doar in Liban se razbuna.

Luca: Aterizez cu capu'n vine!

Victor & Adonis: Eu cu Victor o sa fac un robot urias pentru ca cineva rau in padure exista!

Luca: Hai mai da-ne lectii ca doar nu ai un vehicol pe nume Dacie, avem vehicole pe nume motociclete in secolul 21!

Sarah: Mai am doar un leu sa-mi cumpar o paine din cauza la gradinita asta de lectii!

Adonis: Mama mea este elefant, adica urs...intelegi tu! Si surioara mea este pisica. Ai inteles?

Victor: Vreau sa va spun ceva. Sa stiti ca nu mai sunt prietenul vostru. Am incheiat prietenia. Suntem prieteni pe veci.


Once upon a time in Mexicooooo

A funny thing a Blog is. Starting it off is a pain. The funnyness about it all kicks in a little later, once you've got it all down, once you know its in's & out's. It begins to reflect its blogger close to halfway into it. The soul you put into it is directly proportional to your should I say this...'Umph', 'Spunk', 'Pszas', that 'Je ne sais quoi' and of course, an indubitable amount of Moxy (it used to refer to the fact that you have Herpes which was originally called Moxygoshthisitchesherpes but was shortened to just Herpes in the mid-60's...but that's beside the point).
The saddest thing in life is wasted talent and I would hate to see Anna's do just that! All you'd need with this girl is 5 minutes. Give her your 5 minutes and she'll have you rolling on the floor laughing or wetting yourself. One of the two options I've just mentioned above is bound to happen...believe joke! As I was digging through my countless agendas (8 to be more exact....fine! 9 if you wanna nip pick!) I found, hidden amongst my Prehistorical and Neanderthallian ramblings, a neatly folded 'note' bearing Anna's signature. The widest smile I've had in ages straps itself to my face as I begin reading it.

Ladies and Gents, I give you Anna's 3rd blogpost:

"Once upon a time there was a little girl called Nouhad who wanted to grow up to be a ballerina. But one day she broke her little toe and her dream was shattered. In the end Nouhad decided that it was for the best because life as a criminal was proving to be a far more profitable business. Then she got caught robbing the nearby newspaper stand and now spends her days in Lala Land Prison for the Criminally Insane telling anyone who will listen how she was supposed to be a ballerina."

Sidekicks 1, 2 and 3. What? Every Superhero needs at least the manual!

The Manual:

1. A true Sidekick is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though he knows you're slightly cracked.

2. A true Sidekick stabs you in the front.

3. An old Sidekick helps you move whereas a good Sidekick helps you move a dead body.

4. Give me one Sidekick, just one, who meets the needs of all my varying moods.

5. Love is blind: Sidekick'manship tries not to notice.

6. Tis the privilege of Sidekick'manship to talk nonsense and have that nonsense respected.

And now, a poem...dedicated to the Sidekicks in my life. You should know I love you. Here goes:

Soaring Bird

A bird soaring high, high in the sky
As soon as i look up to the sky
It craps in my eye.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ultimele cuvinte ale lui Gautama Buddha in aceasta lume au fost: "Fii tu insuti o lumina". Nu urma exemplul altora, nu imita, deoarece imitarea, supunerea, creeaza prostie. Te nasti cu un extraordinar potential de inteligenta. Te nasti cu o lumina launtrica. Asculta glasul linistit, slab, din launtrul tau, si el te va calauzi. Nimeni altcineva nu te poate calauzi, nimeni altcineva nu poate sa devina un model pentru viata ta, deoarece esti unic. Nu a existat niciodata nimeni asemanator intru totul tie si nu va exista niciodata nimeni care sa-ti fie asemanator intru totul. Aceasta este gloria, grandoarea ta - ca esti absolut de neinlocuit, ca esti pur si simplu tu insuti, si nimeni altul.
Cel care ii urmeaza pe altii devine fals, devine un pseudo, devine mecanic. Poate sa fie un mare sfant in ochii celorlalti, dar in esenta lui este complet lipsit de inteligenta, si nimic mai mult. Poate sa aiba un caracter foarte respectabil, dar aceasta numai la suprafata, nici cat pielea. Zgarie-l putin numai si vei fi surprins ca in interior este o persoana cu totul diferita, exact opusul a ceea ce este la suprafata.
Urmandu-le exemplul altora, este posibil sa-ti cultivi un caracter frumos, insa nu poti avea o constiinta frumoasa, iar, daca nu ai o constiinta frumoasa, nu poti sa fii vreodata liber. Iti poti schimba inchisorile una dupa alta, iti poti schimba legaturile, iti poti schimba stapanii. Iti creezi o identitate falsa. Iti pierzi perspectiva realitatii, iti pierzi sinceritatea, vei fi nesincer fata de tine insuti. Vei deveni artificial, nenatural, iar a fi artificial, a fi nenatural, este calea omului mediocru, prost, nebun.
Buddha defineste intelepciunea ca fiind viata dusa in lumina propriei constiinte, iar nebunia ca fiind viata dusa urmandu-le exemplul altora, imitandu-i, devenind umbra altcuiva.

Trebuie sa-ti accepti viata cu toate problemele ei. Trebuie sa treci prin viata neprotejat; trebuie sa-ti cauti propria cale. Viata este o ocazie, o provocare de a te gasi pe tine insuti. Insa nebunul nu vrea sa urmeze calea grea, nebunul alege scurtatura. Iti spune: "Buddha a reusit - la ce bun mi-as mai bate si eu capul? O sa-i urmaresc pur si simplu comportamentul si o sa-l imit."
Insa, atunci cand il urmezi pe altul, cum ai putea sa devii inteligent? Nu-i vei da nicio ocazie inteligentei tale sa explodeze. Pentru a iesi la lumina, are nevoie de o viata plina de provocari, de o viata aventuroasa, de o viata care stie sa riste si sa se indrepte catre necunoscut.
Fii o lumina pentru tine insuti si vei fi intelept; lasa-i pe altii sa devina conducatorii tai, calauzele tale si vei ramane prost si vei continua sa ratezi toate comorile vietii - care iti apartineau!

Viata este un pelerinaj extraordinar de frumos, insa numai pentru aceia care sunt pregatiti sa caute.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Interview No.1

Curtea de Arges
Day 2
Part 1

Who: My cousin (16) & me (undisclosed)
What: Trying to figure out something worth writing about
When: Now
Where: Nifty second floor balcony
Why: Lack of something better to do
How: We've got our legs up on the railing, least I do, he's adopting more of a thoughtful position to my left, laptop on lap, una bucata cisterna de apa at our feet, a pretty decent sized bag of pufarine, una bucata 'Splendoare cu Nuca' (for future reference, it's as tasty as it sounds) and my trusty ciggie fix for directional purposes.

Over the past 3 days he's had almost no bowel movement. He finds this particular issue to be the cause of his lack of inspiration for tonight's blog entry. As enlightening as that little statement was, we shall be moving on to an animated questionaire for which he'll play the part of my personal lab rat! My guinea pig if you will.

Despre ce ai vrea sa fi intrebat?
Depinde, adica? Orice chestionar?
Despre hobby-urile mele? prea stiu...
Ce? Sa zic altceva?
Nu stiu.
Uite, povesteste-mi despre fete.
Chiar trebuie sa ma destainui asa?
Prima mea prietena a fost la 7 ani, mi-a placut de ea, ei nu ia placut de mine. La 10 ani am avut a doua prietena, dar mi-era rusine de ea si cand o vedeam, fugeam. A treia a fost o chinezoaica, tatal ei patron la dragonul rosu si acum are bentley si cu ea mi-am dat drumul sa zic asa. A fost aiurea asa, cu ea mi-am dat drumul.
De ce?
Cu ea m-am simtit cel mai bine. Cu ea m-am simtit asa, cum sa zic, mai baiat, m-am pupat pentru prima oara. Ne-am certat pentru ca un prieten de-al meu mi-a spus ca e parasuta si o prietena de-a ei ia spus ca sunt nesimtit si ca imi bat joc de ea. Ea sa suparat pe mine, eu m-am suparat pe ei. Dupa aia ne-am impacat, a durat 2 luni, si dupa aia ne-am despartit ca ea se uita dupa aia de a 12-a. Ma enerva si eram jelos si ne-am certat de tot. O cunosti pe fata lui Mr. Bean?
(imi cobor ochelarii pe nas) De ce? Ai fost si cu ea?
Am fost cu o fata pe nume sandra. Semana cu fata lui Mr. Bean.
Ai iubit.o?
Nu, dar mi-a placut mult de ea. Asta pe la 13 ani si ceva.
Cand ai iubit prima oara?
Prima si prima oara?
La 7 ani jumate, de o fata Ana Maria. Adica, am iubito asa, eram si eu mic, credeam ca sunt indragostit. Nu vrei sa mai stii de Sandra?
Stai asa sa le luam pe rand. Deci nu ai iubit pana la urma.
Ba da, dar mai incolo.
Dar la 7 ani te-ai indragostit.
Da, dar eram mic de tot atunci.
Cum ai stiut ca esti indragostit?
Ma uitam intruna la ea. Faceam ochii cat cepele.
Si ea cum reactiona?
La inceput a reactionat agresiv, radea de mine, nu ma baga in seama, facea misto de mine. De opt martie i-am luat o floricica din curte si i-am dat-o. Mi-a zis ca ii place de mine si sa nu mai zic la nimeni. Si mai departe, s-a terminat gradinita.
Sa inteleg ca vrei sa revenim la bentley.
Ah nu. Dar ti-am zis de el?
Da. Deci, cum sta treaba. Ai avut fluturasi in stomac?
Pai, sa iti explic. Am mers cu un prieten in parc si am zis sa ne intalnim cu ea. Ne-am plimbat ce ne-am plimbat si ne-am asezat pe o banca. A mai venit cu o prietena dar nu ma impresionat. Eu ma credeam smecher. Am ramas toata ziua cu ele. Nu aveam nici un gand sa fiu cu ea dar imi placea foarte mult. Ma invitat la ea acasa a doua zi.
Pai si?
Parca imi sarea inima in gat. M-am spalat pe dinti de 7 ori pe zi, m-am dat cu parfum. Ploua, crezi ca se opreste?
Esti sigur ca nu ne ploua aici?
Asa. Continuam.
Unde am ramas.
La parfum.
Asa. Scuza-ma, am ragait. Simti? Nu se simte?
Nu. Continuam.
Mirosea a carnati.
Ew. Vreau sa-mi spui ce parere ai despre fete.
Pai sa spun eu asa filozovic asa, fetele sunt ca putea vasului. Daca nu lustruiesti vasul, se strica, prinde mucegai si se rupe.
Daca n-ai grija de o fata, daca nu stii sa o tii langa tine si sa ai grija de stiu cum sa zic
Da-mi alt exemplu, sa-ti fie mai usor.
Adica, barbatii sunt ca o colivie si fetele sunt ca pasarelele. Femeia, pasarea, sare din colivie in colivie, si in mod normal se opreste la colivia unde e mai iubita, mai respectata. Daca nu ii oferi pe o durata mai indelungata toate lucrurile astea...
Ce lucruri?
Lucruri, asa, toate sentimentele astea asa, afectiune, dragoste...ea in cele din urma isi va lua zborul si se va duce in alta colivie. Nu conteaza unde ramai peste noapte, conteaza unde te intorci dimineata.
Chiar crezi lucrul asta?
Stii la ce ma refer nu?
Da, dar nu cred lucrul asta.
Stii ca are foarte multa substanta ce ai spus nu?
Da. Adica e de rau sau de bine? Dar sincer, daca as fi mare, as fi in stare sa las usita la colivie mereu deschisa. Daca o tii in lesa sau incerci sa o tii prea aproape atunci simte nevoia de libertate. Asa o sa isi dea seama ca ii e mai bine langa tine.
Asta ai invatat pana acum?
Asta am simtit din tot ce am trait. Mare scofala.
Ti sa intamplat sa se joace vreo fata cu mintea ta?
Da. Ce-mi place sa mi se ia interviu. Ma simt important. De fapt, toate fetele au reusit sa faca treaba asta. Eram prea in limba dupa ele si din cauza asta ma pierdeam cu firea, nu aveam limite. Din cauza asta am de suferit. Am usoara tendinta sa sufoc o fata. Intelegi tu.
Inteleg. Dar cum se joaca o fata cu mintea ta?
E complicat de explicat. Profita de faptul ca sunt indragostit de ea.
Dar ce face anume?
Zambesc aiurea. Nu imi dau seama. In timp...uite, un numitor comun a fost ca s-au distantat cand si-au dat seama ca le plac. Nu intelegeam, eram atent, ies cu ele in oras, si dupa aia ma trezesc cu ochii in soare.
Dar tu te joci?
M-am jucat si eu de doua ori dar dupa m-am simtit vinovat.
Cum te-ai jucat?
Ele ma invitau in oras si eu le minteam. Le spuneam ca mai bine ramanem prieteni. Eram nesimtit si le tratam cu superficialitate.
Din vina lor? Nu aratau suficient de bine?
Nu, nu neaparat. Da, si chestia asta. Sincer acum. Conteaza mult aspectul fizic. Nu?
Vrei sa iti raspund?
Conteaza si aspectul fizic.
Uite, la ciocolata, daca nu iti place ambalajul, nu o cumperi nu gusti din ea.
Uite, mie nu-mi place cum arata ciocolata Milka. Dar tot mananc din ea.
Daca nu e prezentata intr-un mod in care sa iti placa, nu cumperi deobicei.
Pai poate eu nu cumpar dar mananc de la tine.
Dar tot vezi ambalajul.
Dar e ciocolata ta.
Nu inteleg ce ai vrut sa zici.
Iti explic peste cativa ani.
Pai cred ca de asta n-am inteles.
Crezi ca fetele sunt complicate?
Complexe mai bine zis. Au capacitatea sa invarta orice baiat. Si baietii o au. Unii reusesc, altii nu.
Ce faci cand iti place de o fata?
Ma duc sa vorbesc cu ea.
Pai, da. O invit la un film, un suc. Cafea nu, suc.
Ce urmaresti la ea? La ce esti mai atent?
La gesturile ei, in timpul conversatiei. Cum reationeaza, cum se uita la mine. Dar imi place mai mult sa mai merg cu un prieten si cu o fata. Cand mergem la agatat mai merg cu un baiat ca sa ne putem uita unul la gagica celuilalt.
Ce-ar putea sa iti spuna prietenul tau?
Sa imi spuna cum reactiona la mine, cum se comporta, cum se uita la mine.
Dar tu nu observi lucrurile astea?
E mai usor sa privesti din afara, iti dai cu parerea mai bine.
Si daca prietenului tau nu ii place?
Nu exista chestiile astea, daca unuia ii place o fata, celalalt nu se da la ea, isi spune parerea sincer, important e sa imi placa mie, nu lui. El imi spune daca I se pare o fata de viitor sau nu.
Ti-e somn?
Nu. Tie ti-e?
Nope. Vrei sa mai adaugi ceva?
Nu prea.
Mai vrei pufarine?
Nu. Tu vrei?
Nope. Spune-mi cum vezi tu fata perfecta? Ce trebuie sa stie sa faca?
Sa vorbeasca. Sa poata sa intretina o conversatie.
Da. sa fie un bun ascultator cand sunt suparat, sa ma consoleze.
Cred ca am mancat prea multa “Splendoare de Nuca”.

Part 2

Pot sa te intreb si eu pe tine?
Ai chef?
Te intreb.
Ce ti-ai dorit tu sa devii cand erai copil?
Ce inseamna copil?
Ma intrebi tu pe mine?
Pai, la 8, 9, 10 ani?
Nu prea imi doream sa devin ceva anume.
Ce crezi ca ti s-ar fi potrivit?
Nu ma gandeam. Sincer.
Banuiesc ca trebuie sa iti pun alta intrebare. Pot sa iti spun orice intrebare mai asa?
Mi-e jena.
Nu trebuie sa-ti fie.
Poti sa-ti pun o intrebare?
Da. Pune-mi o intrebare. E intuneric. Oricum nu te vad. Nu-ti face griji. Intreaba-ma.
Asa, sunt...adica...banuiesc ca tu poti descrie barbatul ideal.
Asta nu e intrebare. Incearca alta.
Ai termopan acasa? Ti-ai izolat termic apartamentul? Ai mancare in frigider?
Da, da si da.
Care e cel mai inalt varf de munte pe care l-ai escaladat.
Era sa zic o prostie. Hai, acum o intrebare serioasa.
Ce-ti doresti cel mai mult in momentul de fata?
O lampa fermecata.
Atunci de la lampa fermecata?
Un frigider nou de la domo.
Cat a durat cea mai lunga relatie a ta?
9 ani aproape.
9 ani??!?!?!?! Atat de mult?
Si a fost sfarsit tragic, dureros?
Da, a fost foarte dureros. Nu pot sa zic neaparat tragic, dar a durut.
Inca mai suferi? Regreti faptul ca v.ati certat? Te mai gandesti la ce a fost?
De regretat, nu pot sa zic ca regret. Mi-e greu sa nu ma gandesc.
Ce te-a facut sa stai atata timp?
Niciodata n-am pus problema de timp.
Trebuie sa fie ceva.
Ummmm, nu stiu, ceva m.a tinut acolo. Simteam ca acolo trebuia sa fiu.
De atunci ai mai avut pe cineva in viata ta?
De ce nu ai abordat o alta relatie?
Aveam nevoie de timp de recuperare. Nu stiu daca intelegi, technical malfuntion. Daca intram intr-o relatie, sarea discu'.
Ai vrea sa fi cu cineva acum?
Dar vreodata.
Da. Imi doresc. Oricine isi doreste.
Daca ai putea schimba ceva la tine, ai schimba?
Dar daca ai putea sa dai timpul inapoi cu 10 ani in urma, ai da timpul inapoi?
10 ani sau 9 ani? E o diferenta mare.
9 ani, ai fi luat-o pe alt drum?
Ciocolata alba sau neagra?
McDonalds sau Burger King?
Burger King.
Nike sau Adidas?
Nici unul
Diesel sau Benzina?
Munte sau mare?
Dar in sezonul estival?
Mare departare.
Cand a fost prima oara cand ai facut sex?
La 15 ani.
Si a fost marfa?
Da. Memorabil.
I-ai spus mamei tale?
Nu i-am povestit. Dar presupun ca si-a dat seama intre timp