Here I am again, at your disposal. Praise or judge at will. Were you here all along? How long have you been standing here for? Do we know each other? Now that I think about it, I do remember you. My apologies. It's gradually coming back to me. We met a few years back. Or it might've just been yesterday. For all I know, it could be that I've known you my entire life. I acknowledge you now. You're a part of my life.

A constant, as some people like to call it. We met on a memorable day in both our lives. We cracked a few jokes, found common ground, liked each other almost immediately. Phone calls were made to and fro. At times one-sided of course (because I'm a hesitant believer in the power of phone calls). I made you aware of this in due time. Our friendship grew, as we did. Soon enough, you became a constant in my thoughts, my life. On some occasions we would meet and I became your adviser. I would listen to your troubles and tried my best to come up with viable solutions to problems at hand. Often victorious, rarely unsuccessful. On other occasions I'd play the part of your very own personal clown. I'd always love to see you laugh, your smile would brighten up my day. Knowing that I play a part in making you happy would fill my heart with sheer joy.
You grew stronger in time, more beautiful in so many ways. I saw your eyes shimmer with delight. I saw your nose scrunch up at the thought of something sower. I saw you drool over anything you might find delicious. I saw you go cross-eyed when you'd be trying to figure out something you just couldn't wrap your head around. I saw you phase out of focus as you'd start daydreaming. I saw your forehead wrinkle when you simply didn't know what to do. I saw your nostrils flare when you became angry or revolted. I saw your jawbone clench as you'd try to concentrate or hold back. I won't even mention the many times you'd roll your eyes when you'd hear something inconvenient.

Oh, and I almost forgot. I remember your first tear drop. I remember your broken heart. I remember your broken spirit. I remember being on all fours for you, working together to try and put the pieces back together, helping them fit and function once again (at optimum speed of course). I'm not exactly sure, but you used to make a habit out of pressing the repeat button on this one. We'd go through this process over and over again. You'd come out better looking each time we saw you through.
All in all, this has been a fun filled friendship. I don't know how it all could've slipped out of my mind. Something must've happened. Maybe you could help me out a little. Let's try and piece this puzzle.
Could it be that you took your time to get to know me? (I'm perfectly aware that I'm not the easiest person to deal with but...)
Can you say that you gave it your best? (I hope so, for my sake at least)
It would be a shame if you took me for granted. I'll give you a little time to digest it all, I might've put you on the spot just then. Personally, I'm secretly hoping you know my in's and out's by now, as I know your nooks and crannies. I'm putting all my money on ONE of you.
How bout them apples??
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